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Stereotype Threat: How Fear Led Me to Passion

Oct 3, 2018/Podcast

Ron Peacock, Jr, PT, DPT, describes what it was like to go through DPT school with an acute awareness of the negative stereotypes too often associated with black men, and the pressure he felt to defy those stereotypes.

Swirl of Emotions - Defining Moment

Oct 1, 2018/Podcast

Surviving a tornado reinforced a PT’s career path.

Medicare Telehealth Coverage for Physical Therapists

May 7, 2020/Podcast

We discuss what’s happening in Medicare in relation to telehealth and what APTA is doing to continue to advocate on behalf of the profession.

APTA Policy Priorities and COVID-19

May 11, 2020/Podcast

APTA staff Justin Elliott and Kara Gainer, JD, discuss what’s happening in Congress, what’s to come, and what APTA is doing to advocate on behalf of the profession. 

Two Degrees, Many Variables – Defining Moment

May 7, 2020/Podcast

The journey of a PT/anthropologist.

Advice From a CI

Sep 5, 2018/Podcast

Jessica Baugh often reminds students that they are still students, and that clinical rotations are supposed to be about learning.

Researchers Identify Factors That May Keep Some Patients From Making Optimal Gains in Cardiac Rehab

Mar 15, 2017/Review

A set of predictors that could help providers identify which cardiac rehabilitation patients are at risk of making lower gains in exercise capacity.

Roundup: Statehouses Buzzing With Physical Therapy Legislation

Mar 28, 2017/News

APTA has been working closely with its state chapters to advocate for the profession during a packed legislative year.

Federal Advocacy Forum Participants Take the PT Message to Capitol Hill

Mar 29, 2017/News

This year, FAF participants pressed support of three important pieces of legislation.

Number of Americans Reporting Arthritis-Related Activity Limitations on the Rise

Mar 7, 2017/Review

The number of Americans with arthritis who report that the condition limits their activities has jumped by 20% since 2002.

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The Role of Health Promotion in Physical Therapy in California, New York, and Tennessee

May 31, 2004/Research Reports


Background and Purpose. As health care providers,

Pusher Syndrome

May 31, 2004/Letters to the Editor

Reliability, Internal Consistency, and Validity of Data Obtained With the Functional Gait Assessment

Sep 30, 2004/Research Reports

Background and Purpose. The Functional Gait Assessment (FGA) is a

Decision Making for Physical Therapy Service Delivery in Schools: A Nationwide Survey of Pediatric Physical Therapists

Sep 30, 2004/Research Reports

Background and Purpose. A nationwide survey was conducted to explore

Ultrasound Efficacy

Sep 30, 2004/Letters to the Editor

“STEPS” in Practice

Jun 30, 2004/Editor's Note

The Role of Genetics and Environment in Lifting Force and Isometric Trunk Extensor Endurance

Jun 30, 2004/Research Reports

Background and Purpose. Our understanding of what different back performance

Effects of Live, Videotaped, or Written Instruction on Learning an Upper-Extremity Exercise Program

Jun 30, 2004/Research Reports

Background and Purpose. Today's health care environment encourages