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Excessive time and resources spent on documentation and administrative tasks can hurt patient outcomes.

Coding and billing, prior authorization, utilization review, excessive documentation standards, overly complex health IT—the unnecessary hoops PTs are required to jump through demand time and energy that could be focused instead on providing patient-centered care. Reduced administrative burden is something that needs to happen in every practice setting and payer, both commercial and federal.

Why It Matters

An APTA survey of members found that nearly 75 percent of respondents believe that administrative burdens such as prior authorization delay access to medically necessary care by 25%, and nearly as many agreed that these burdens negatively impact patient outcomes. More than 8 in 10 said that administrative burden contributes to burnout. And unnecessary burden is costly: our survey found that more than 75% of facilities have added nonclinical staff to accommodate administrative burden.

Care is being shortchanged. Providers are being pushed to their limits. Facilities are being forced to redirect money away from direct care to pay for unnecessary paperwork. It's time for a change.

Our position

APTA vigorously works to fight excessive administrative burden in whatever form it takes, and in all payment systems.

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