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This award acknowledges and honors one physical therapist who has made inspirational, significant, and impactful contributions to the profession. (This was previously known as the Mary McMillan Lecture Award.)

This is APTA's most distinguished award.

Eligibility Requirements

Nominees must be physical therapists who are active or life members of the association.

Criteria for Selection

Nominees for this award must demonstrate distinguished contributions to the profession of physical therapy in one of the following areas:

  • Leadership: the skilled process of planning, directing, organizing, and managing human, technical, environmental, and financial resources effectively and efficiently.
  • Education: the process of imparting information or skills and instructing by precept, example, and experience so that individuals acquire knowledge, master skills, or develop competence.
  • Patient Care (Patient and Client Management): providing services to patients and clients who are at risk for, or who have, impairments, functional limitations, disabilities, or changes in physical function and health status relating to injury, disease, or other causes.
  • Research (Critical Inquiry): the process of applying the principles of scientific methods to read and interpret professional literature; participate in, plan, and conduct research; evaluate outcomes data; and assess new concepts and technologies.
  • Advocacy: the process by which an individual encourages support of APTA’s positions and public policy priorities to advance the profession.

A strong application should demonstrate the following:

Track record and sustained ability of contributions.

  • Wide-reaching effects of contributions, as evidenced in the quality and diversity of the letters of support received.
  • Previous recognition of contributions, as demonstrated by other awards and honors documented in the nominee's curriculum vitae.
  • Professional public visibility of contributions, as demonstrated by publications, presentations, invited lectures, appointed and elected positions held, and other information in the nominee's curriculum vitae.
  • Sustained and continuous contributions in more than one of the areas of administration, education, patient care, and research, as documented in the letters of support and in the nominee's curriculum vitae.
  • Qualitative effects of contributions on one or more areas of administration, education, patient care, and research, and on the image of the profession, as documented in the letters of support.
  • Enduring quality of contributions, or potential for continuing effects of contributions on the physical therapy profession.

Strength and clarity of specific statements from support letters and their sources.

  • Favorable comments made in the letters of support and sources of the comments.
  • Contributions to the profession.
  • Strength and clarity of specific statements in support letters and sources.

Ability to present a noteworthy lecture.

  • Acknowledged skills in the organization and presentation of written or oral communications, as documented in the letters of support and the nominee's curriculum vitae.

Letters of support that are positive, cite specific examples of professional accomplishments, and provide additional information on depth, scope, and quality in a convincing manner.

Recipient Responsibilities

The Mary McMillan Lecture Award recipient is required to deliver a lecture at a general session during an APTA national event. The lecture should not be more than 45 minutes in length and as each learning event offered by APTA meets high standards of quality, the lecturer is required to submit to APTA a lecture description, measurable learning objectives, a bibliography of reference materials (at least five references no older than 10 years), and a brief biography. The title of the lecture, if the recipient chooses to have a title in addition to the standard title (e.g., The 47th Mary McMillan Lecture) will be left to the discretion of the recipient. The content of the lecture should be related to the contributions that the recipient has made to the profession of physical therapy.  A written copy of the lecture will be submitted for publication in PTJ: Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal. The recipient may request editorial assistance from association staff for preparation of the lecture, as well as for publication of the lecture.

What Recipients Receive

The Mary McMillan Lecture Award recipient will be presented with a commemorative medallion, lapel pin, and an award of recognition by APTA's president at the time of the lecture. The recipient also receives an honorarium; reimbursement of up to two days of travel expenses incurred by the recipient in conjunction with travel for the purpose of delivering the lecture; and complimentary registration to the APTA national event where the recipient presents the lecture.

Submission Requirements

During the online process, the following documents will be required for upload:

  • Current and complete curriculum vitae or resume that covers the entire career of the nominee up to the nomination for this award.
  • Letter of nomination that specifically focuses on the strengths of the nominee in relation to the award criteria, not to exceed four pages. Letters of nomination cannot serve as one of the required letters of support.
  • Six letters of support from individuals who can specifically address one or more of the criteria for selection, not to exceed two pages each. (Note: If more than six letters of support are received, only the first six will be considered. The nominator will be asked to remove additional letters.)

Submit a Nomination

The nominations call for the Honors & Awards Program is open from Sept. 1- Dec. 1. Nominations must be submitted through our online portal by Dec. 1. Late submissions will not be considered. Selected recipients and their nominators will be notified in May.

Additional Resources

For questions regarding the nomination process or the award, please contact APTA Honors and Awards.

View the 54th Mary McMillian Lecture