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What PTs can learn from astronauts, a relay, and exercising in space.

Feature Space 1

The zero gravity of space can lead to bone and muscle loss. The tools used by astronauts to strengthen their bones and muscles have value on Earth, as well.

When Tim Flynn, PT, PhD, OCS, FAAOMPT, began running the Wild West Relay (WWR) in Colorado last August as part of a 6-person team, he wasn't new to the experience. Over the years, Flynn has run the relay several times, even with some of the same team members. What was different this time, though, is that 1 of the team members wasn't physically with the team.

In fact, teammate Steve Swanson, PhD, was over 200 miles away. But not elsewhere in Colorado, or even a neighboring state. In fact, Swanson was out of this world—literally. He was running his legs of the race from outer space.

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  1. Relay races. Roads Less Traveled Relays. Accessed January 8, 2015.
  2. Flynn T. Dreaming Big. EIM. July 31, 2014. Accessed January 8, 2015.
  3. International Space Station. NASA. Accessed January 8, 2015.
  4. Wood SJ, Loehr JA, Guilliams ME. Sensorimotor reconditioning during and after spaceflight. NeuroRehabilitation. 2011;29(2):185-95. doi: 10.3233/NRE-2011-0694.

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