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What's Your Best Response?

Feature Raters

Many patients visit online rating websites to help them choose health care providers. What will they find out about you?

Consumers use web rating sites such as Angie's List to choose plumbers, Yelp to select restaurants, and Trip Advisor to pick hotels. Will consumers someday use online rating sites to select their physical therapists (PTs)?

In fact, they already do. Mark Disalvo, PT, MPT, OCS, says, "I've had new patients tell me, 'My doctor gave me a list, and I saw that people had good things to say about you.' [The rating] hasn't been the only factor, but has helped."

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  1. Health Research Institute. Scoring healthcare: navigating customer experience ratings. April 2013. Accessed June 23, 2015.
  2. Kadry B, Chu L, Kadry B, et al. Analysis of 4999 online physician ratings indicates that most patients give physicians a favorable rating. J Med Internet Res. 2011. 13(4):e95. Published online November 16, 2011. Doi: 10.2196/jmir.1960.
  3. Finding quality doctors: how Americans evaluate provider quality in the United States. The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. 2014. Accessed June 24, 2015.
  4. The Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation. Kaiser health tracking poll: April 2015. Accessed June 23, 2015.
  5. Hanauer D, Zheng K, Singer D, et al. Public awareness, perception, and use of online physician rating sites (Research Letter). JAMA. February 19, 2014;311(7):734-735.
  6. Gao GG, McCullough JS, Agarwal R, et al. A changing landscape of physician quality reporting: analysis of patients' online ratings of their physicians over a 5-year period. J Med Internet Res. 2012;14(1):e38. Published online February 24 2012. Doi: 10.2196/jmir.2003.
  7. Vanguard analysis finds online doctor reviews overwhelmingly positive. Vanguard Communications. Accessed June 25, 2015.

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