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Want to have your voice heard within our profession? Want to impact change or move our profession forward? We'd like you to join the Student Network.

The Student Network for 2019 House of Delegates is a way for student PT and PTA members of the APTAour Student Assemblyto be more directly involved with APTA's governing body, the House of Delegates (HOD). Students make up nearly one third of APTA's 100,000 members, and input from students on HOD motions by way of the SPT Delegate is highly sought out and valuable. A highly-engaged Student Network will ensure that the SPT Delegate accurately represents the perspectives of the Student Assembly by directly informing the SPT Delegate on key issues related to the profession.

More specifically, the Student Network will serve as a way for the SPT Delegate to receive feedback on particular House of Delegate motions and policy issues from members of the Student Assembly who agree to be contacted for this purpose. As HOD motions and concepts are brought forward, the Student Network will receive intermittent requests to give the SPT Delegate written feedback via email and/or to join other students on a conference call discussing a specific issue.

Signing up does not obligate you to participate in every request for input. Feedback to the SPT Delegate and the APTA Student Assembly Board of Directors on any issue of APTA policy is always welcome.

If you are interested in joining the Student Network for 2019 House of Delegates, you can sign-up here. For more information or to ask a question, please contact Kate Zenker, SPT, SPT Delegate, APTA Student Assembly Board of Directors. You can also contact with Kate on Twitter at @ZisforKate.

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