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APTA sections are your link to the resources that you need to stay current in expertise areas and the best way to connect with others who share your interests — including some of the profession's most influential thought leaders.

APTA sections, also referred to as academies in some instances, focus on a wide range of areas from specific types of physical therapy to broader policy areas and patient populations. No matter what your interest is there's probably a section for you.

Each month we will highlight one of the 18 APTA sections, giving information on the specialty, involvement opportunities, and even sharing an experience from a current member.

The American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy

About the Section

The American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy is a section within APTA. The mission of AASPT is to promote sports physical therapist practice, research, education, and professional development. As a student, if you are interested in sports medicine and orthopedics, this section is for you!

Section Involvement

Twice annually AASPT hosts TeamMates, one of the largest sports physical therapy professional networking initiatives for students and early career professionals. The purpose is to help students and recent graduates connect with experienced members around a variety of topics including residency/fellowship, practice settings, and more. All are welcome regardless of membership in the Sports Academy!

Additional benefits for students include involvement in one or more of the Academy’s 13 special interest groups, a variety of SIG-sponsored mentorship programs, and the recently created Early Career Professional Committee. The purpose of the Early Career Professional Committee is to help students and young professionals interested in sports rehabilitation collaborate, elevate, and advance their practice within the sports physical therapy specialty. Since this is the first year of the committee, we would like to hear what students want or need by having early career professionals and students take this survey. As a member of the Academy you also will receive ECP updates on events, programming, and ways to get involved in the Academy. 

Section Benefits for Students

  • Involvement in special interest groups: adaptive sports, college and professional sports, female athlete, golf performance, hip, knee, running, shoulder, specialization, sports concussion, sports performance enhancement, tactical athlete, and youth athlete.
  • Participation in AASPT's Mentorship Program.
  • Chances to learn about sports residencies and fellowships.
  • Opportunities to become involved in the Academy's activities to further the profession of sports physical therapy.
  • Occasions to build professional relationships with peers as well as the leaders in sports physical therapy.
  • Free access (with membership) to online Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy and International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy.
  • Reduced tuition for Sports Section Home Study Courses to earn continuing education credits.
  • This summer, the Academy will introduce a new online community for Sports Physical Therapists called Mobilize. Starting in August students and members alike can participate in online discussions, journal clubs, and networking conversations about the profession and the specialty. Contact the Academy for more details.

Section Member Experiences

"Joining the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy has allowed me to partake in educational and professional development opportunities. I’ve had the privilege of learning about sports and orthopedics rehabilitation from leaders in our profession.

"These educational opportunities, in conjunction to access the newest literature, has allowed me to develop a toolbox with the utmost evidence-based practices.

"AASPT aims not only to cultivate educational opportunities, but also provides professional development opportunities. Through their networking initiatives, such as TeamMates at CSM, I’ve been able to meet and connect with exceptional professionals from all over the world!

"Joining AASPT will provide you with opportunities that are niche specific to sports physical therapy that will positively impact your growth, both as a student and young professional."

— Pedro Zavala, SPT, AASPT-ECP Student at Large


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