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Did you know that the Bylaws of the American Physical Therapy Association:

  • Establish APTA members' rights and privileges?
  • Determine how APTA members' voices are heard when the association takes positions that are important for the profession's future?
  • Specify how APTA leadership is elected?

APTA's bylaws describe how APTA is structured and governed. They define your rights as a member and how you may exercise those rights. The bylaws are under review by a special committee established by the House of Delegates. The committee's goal is to propose bylaws amendments that support a transformative organization and allow the association to grow to the benefit all stakeholders. Your voice is crucial to this effort.

All APTA members are invited to attend one or more of three listening sessions to share thoughts about how the bylaws can support an organization that is equitable, inclusive, innovative, and transformative, and facilitates member engagement.

Connection information for sessions scheduled on Oct. 13, 14, and 17, is below.

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