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"The Good Stuff" is an occasional series that highlights recent media coverage of physical therapy and APTA members, with an emphasis on stories of how individual PTs and PTAs are transforming health care and society every day. Enjoy!

Lighting the path to a career in physical therapy: Georgia State University PT student Jessica Brown, SPT, is an APTA PT Moves Me ambassador who's volunteering to spread the word about pursuing a career in physical therapy to younger students. She enlisted fellow GSU PT students Miriah Smith, SPT; DeVaughn Davis, SPT; Christina Chavez, SPT; Elihu Igbinadolor, SPT; and Tyra Holliday, SPT, to get the message out. (Georgia State University News)

A habit that's hard to stomach: Heather Jeffcoat, PT, DPT, warns of the dangers of habitually sucking in your abdomen to look thinner. (Washington Post)

Changing opioid use patterns: Deepak Kumar, PT, PhD, offers insights on a recent study he co-authored that associated pre- and post-TKA physical therapy with lower rates of long-term opioid use. (Economic Times)

A Boys' Town first: Brad Corr, PT, DPT, describes the first-ever physical therapy facility to open at Boys' Town. (KMTV3 News, Omaha, Neb.)

Working under constraints works: Kathy Grinde, PT, explains the gains being made in children with cerebral palsy through constraint-induced movement therapy. (KSTP5 News, Minneapolis, Minn.)

Back to normal: Tom Hulst, PT, MHS, talks about exercises that can help address low back pain. (EightWest News, Grand Rapids, Mich.)

Toying with a bad idea: Amanda Olson, PT, DPT, is calling out Amazon over its decision to classify legitimate medical devices such as pelvic floor wands as sex toys on its site. (Mashable)

Bringing health to the community: Quinnipiac University PT program faculty and senior grad students hosted a free community health fair that included presentations on chronic illness, nutrition, women's health, and breast cancer. Julianne Smith, SPT; Julie Booth, PT, DPT; Rachel Harris, SPT; Nicole Mawhirter, SPT; Christina DePaulis, SPT; and Meghan Johnson, PTA, took part in the effort. (Quinnipiac, N.Y., Chronicle)

Worth the weight? Karena Wu, PT, DPT, MS, outlines the pros and cons of exercising with weighted vests and ankle/wrist weights. (Washington Post)

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