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In this review: CY 2024 Home Health Prospective Payment System Rate Update; Home Health Quality Reporting Program Requirements; Home Health Value-Based Purchasing Expanded Model Requirements; etc. (proposed rule)
Effective date: Jan. 1, 2024
CMS fact sheet
Comment deadline: August 29, 2023

The big picture: In its proposed 2024 payment rule for home health, CMS continues its plan to address gaps between what it calls "assumed behavior changes and actual behavior changes" resulting from the Patient-Driven Groupings Model payment system, or PDGM, implemented in 2019. The result: more proposed payment cuts — this time, an estimated 2.2%, or a $375 million decrease from 2023 levels. The actual proposed cuts associated with the adjustment are just over 5%, but that reduction would be offset by other proposed increases. CMS also proposed to set the national standardized 30-day period payment amount proposed for 2024 at $1,974.38 for home health agencies that submit complete quality data — a slight decrease from $2,010.69 in 2023.

The largely expected continuation of the cuts is only one facet of the proposed rule, which also includes changes to quality reporting, value-based purchasing, and market basket revisions.

APTA is preparing comments on the rule to submit by the Aug. 29, 2023, deadline. In addition, APTA staff and representatives from APTA Home Health will offer a live online presentation on the proposed rule — and member advocacy opportunities — on Aug. 1 at 8 p.m. ET.

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