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Explore resources to support psychological safety within the workplace.
The mental health and well-being of health care providers are major concerns, and research has shown that workplace stress is linked to poor mental health.
The American Physical Therapy Association recommends education and the provision of resources and tools that effectively promote psychological safety within the workplace and learning environments across the physical therapy profession.
Below are resources designed to support psychological safety within the workplace and educational environments. You’ll also find self-assessment tools, practical guides for everyday professionals, and relevant research.
Jump to: Resources for Employees | Psychological Safety for Students | Psychological Safety in the Workplace and the Manager's Role | Self-Assessment Tools for Psychological Safety | Research and Studies on Psychological Safety
Resources for Employees
- Psychological Safety
This two-hour course helps students understand psychological safety and the skills needed to create safe, inclusive, and supportive environments in their lives. Learners integrate the principles of psychological safety in a personalized plan of action to positively impact their personal and professional lives. - "Exploring psychological safety in healthcare teams to inform the development of interventions: combining observational, survey, and interview data"
This study uses a mixed-methods approach to develop an in-depth understanding of psychological safety within health care teams and to build on this understanding to inform the development of future interventions to improve it. - Resources for Psychological Safety
APTA Private Practice shares articles related to psychological safety in the workplace and includes topics like productivity, intrinsic motivation, and compassion fatigue.
Psychological Safety for Students
- "Key tips to providing a psychologically safe learning environment in the clinical setting"
This article presents key guidelines for preceptors to provide a psychologically safe learning environment for students, offering actionable advice for educators directly involved in student training and mentorship. - "Creating Psychological Safety in the Learning Environment: Straightforward Answers to a Long-Standing Challenge"
This article explores how behaviors of psychological safety create, destroy, and rescue in the clinical learning environment, providing a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics involved. - "Psychological Safe Environment: A Concept Analysis"
This concept analysis provides a clear definition of psychologically safe learning environments in simulation and facilitates the application of this concept in simulation-based learning activities. - "Psychological Safety as an Educational Value in Interprofessional Health Education"
This article describes an interprofessional education activity in which students from several health professions discuss stereotypes and misconceptions about their own professions and other health professions and professionals. - "Managing psychological safety in debriefings: a dynamic balancing act"
This review defines psychological safety and explores its importance as related to debriefings (facilitated conversations among learners and faculty to explore the relationships among events, actions, thoughts, feelings, and outcomes), recommends strategies debriefers can use to build and maintain psychological safety, and suggests ways to restore psychological safety if there is a perceived breach. - "Psychological Safety"
This article explores psychological safety in an educational setting by exploring ideas of how to build a positive learning atmosphere that cultivates open communication, collaboration, and risk-taking that enhance the well-being and academic success of individuals.
Psychological Safety in the Workplace and the Manager's Role
- "Standards for psychologically healthy and safe workplaces"
This resource provides a framework to creating and continually improving a psychologically healthy and safe workplace. - "Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams"
This article introduces the construct of team psychological safety and its effects on learning and performance in organizational work teams, covering the practical application of psychological safety in improving team dynamics and performance. - "How Leaders Can Build Psychological Safety at Work"
This guide shares actionable steps for leaders to nurture psychological safety in the workplace, which is essential in leadership roles to cultivate and maintain a psychologically safe environment.
- "Resilient Organizations Make Psychological Safety a Strategic Priority"
The authors of this article explore the obstacles to investing in psychological safety, illustrating how senior leaders can overcome these obstacles to boost resilience. - "Psychological Safety: The History, Renaissance, and Future of an Interpersonal Construct"
This review examines the early history of psychological safety research and contemporary research at the individual, group, and organizational levels. The authors discuss suggestions for future theoretical development and methodological approaches for organizational behavior research on this important interpersonal construct. - "Psychologically safe for some, but not all?: The downsides of assuming shared psychological safety among senior leadership teams”
From the Center for Creative Leadership, this research considers important implications for how leaders can cultivate psychological safety in their teams. - "Linking leader inclusiveness to work unit performance: The importance of psychological safety and learning from failures"
The authors of this article suggest that inclusive leadership can foster a safe environment for learning from mistakes, which, in turn, drives better organizational performance. - "Organizational Best Practices Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace"
This article provides a narrative review of best and promising practices for achieving exemplary mental health in the workplace by recognizing organizations that apply evidence-based practices in their health and well-being programs. - "Mental Health in the Workplace: A Call to Action Proceedings From the Mental Health in the Workplace — Public Health Summit"
The authors of this study recommend action steps to improve the health and well-being of workers by developing a mental-health-in-the-workplace “how-to” guide, scorecard, recognition program, and executive training. - "Psychological Safety at Work Training"
This 20-minute e-learning course explores the benefits of creating a psychologically safe workplace in which individuals can be their authentic selves. - "Four Ways to Build Psychological Safety With Your Team”
This guide covers four steps and research-backed team activities designed to build more trust and foster psychological safety at work. - "What is psychological safety?"
The authors of this article deep dive into why psychological safety is critical to adaptive and innovative performance and shares its research on how organizations can foster psychological safety among teams and individuals. - "Mental health at work"
The World Health Organization shares key facts, risks, and actions to protect and promote mental health at work. - "Setting the Stage for Psychological Safety: 6 Steps for Leaders"
Creating psychological safety for your team is a process that takes time, vulnerability from you as a leader, and collaboration from others. Two psychiatrists share six practical next steps for when psychological safety might be a little off on your team. - "Leveraging Diversity Through Psychological Safety"
Authors from the University of Toronto explain how "psychological safety" can enable team diversity to be better and leveraged, allowing a team to reap the benefits associated with diverse sets of skills, experience, knowledge, and backgrounds in ways that would not be possible if team members were unwilling to take the risks associated with speaking up.
Self-Assessment Tools for Psychological Safety
- "Fostering psychological safety in the workplace: 4 practical, real-life tips based on science"
This article highlights and discusses safety, health, and harm prevention in the workplace. - "What is psychological safety at work? Here’s how to start creating it"
Psychological safety in the workplace is essential for fostering open communication, innovation, and growth, allowing employees to express opinions, admit mistakes, and take risks without fear of judgment. Leaders and organizations play a crucial role in creating this culture by encouraging feedback, valuing contributions, and removing barriers to open dialogue.
Research and Studies on Psychological Safety
- "Psychological safety: A systematic review of the literature"
This study reviews the extant literature on psychological safety, highlights gaps in the existing literature and issues with the measurement of psychological safety, and concludes with directions for future research on psychological safety. - "Attitudes in an interpersonal context: Psychological safety as a route to attitude change"
This study reviews the literature on interpersonal threats, receiving psychological safety, providing psychological safety, and interpersonal dynamics.