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PTPAC, the political action committee of the American Physical Therapy Association, was created to empower the physical therapy profession to play a stronger role in the formulation of federal laws and policies. PTPAC is a mechanism through which the physical therapy profession channels financial and grassroots support to congressional candidates who are responsive to the profession's goals and viewpoints.

APTA dues cannot be used for PAC contributions; they are voluntary and must be sent separately from dues.

PTPAC funding can impact these congressional issues that directly affect students:

These are just a few of the issues that PTPAC is advocating for you and your profession. To encourage student involvement, PTPAC established a student club called Student Stars, and contributing just $20 is all it takes to become one. You will be recognized on PTPAC's website and receive a Student Stars lapel pin.

Any contribution this year will help us achieve legislative victories. Currently, fewer than 2% of students contribute to PTPAC. Remember, this is an election year, so it’s imperative that we help our friends in Congress get reelected in November. Please take the time now to contribute to PTPAC.

Contribute Now

Contributions to PTPAC are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. Contributions are voluntary. Your contribution will be used to support candidates for federal office who support physical therapy issues. The amount given by the contributor, or the refusal to give, will not benefit or disadvantage the person being solicited. The suggested amount is only a suggestion. More or less than the suggested amount may be given.