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"The Good Stuff," is an occasional series that highlights recent, mostly local media coverage of physical therapy and APTA members, with an emphasis on good news and stories of how individual PTs and PTAs are transforming health care and society every day. Enjoy!

Is squatting the new standing? Jasmine Marcus, PT, points out some of the advantages. (mother nature network)

Rachel Tavel, PT, DPT, writes for Huffington Post on the importance of seeing a pelvic health PT. (Huffington Post)

A concussion forced Sarah Urke, SPT, to set aside her hopes of being an Olympic athlete; now she's preparing for a career as a physical therapist. (USC News)

Rebecca Kilgore, PT, combines her knowledge of physical therapy with her training as a behavioral therapist to serve children with disabilities. (Jacksonville, Florida, Welcome to Sacksonville)

Michaela Main, PT, DPT, is a cheerleader for the New England Patriots. (Boston University Today)

Casie Danenhauer, PT, DPT, explains vaginismus and physical therapy's role in treatment. (Self magazine)

Tracy Smith, PT, discusses the importance of prehab. (Palm Beach, Florida, Post)

HIIT is hot. But is high-intensity interval training also dangerous? Aaron Hackett, PT, DPT, explains how to minimize the risks. (Shape)

Fortino Gonzalez, PT, provides tips on training for a marathon. (McAllen, Texas, Monitor)

“I owe my ability to walk to the physical therapy team I had. I saw them five or six days a week for six months. They had a lot of patience and pushed me a lot,” -Lee Springer, stroke survivor who has returned to competitive running. (Fremont, Ohio, News-Messenger)

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