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The Joint Commission is developing new requirements related to pain assessment and management in 3 important settings, and your comments can help shape final standards and more clearly define the roles of physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapist assistants (PTAs). Comments are due May 22, 2018.

The proposed requirements are focused on office-based surgery, ambulatory care, and acute care hospital settings. The Joint Commission describes the new requirements as ones that "emphasize active participation of administrative and physician leadership in pain management and safe opioid prescribing protocols and strengthen organizations’ practices for pain assessment, treatment, education, and monitoring."

To comment, follow the instructions on the standard field reviews page—download and review the proposal, then submit comments by May 22 via an online survey, an online form, or email to The Joint Commission. Direct any questions you have to Kate Kornfeind, Division of Standards and Survey Methods, 630/792-5756 or

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