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Led by students in physical therapist (PT) and physical therapist assistant (PTA) programs, APTA members will focus their energies on advocating for the effectiveness of physical therapy in pain management when this year's Flash Action Strategy (FAS) takes place September 26-27—and you're invited to be part of the action.

The innovative concentrated advocacy effort will use the APTA Legislative Action Center to contact members of Congress to press for better patient access to nonopioid pain treatments including physical therapy. The effort makes use of APTA's #ChoosePT opioid awareness campaign and emphasizes the importance of team approaches to pain management.

Getting involved is easy. APTA has prepared resources and will provide a prewritten letter on this issue when the flash action effort starts on Wednesday, September 26. You also can watch the announcements on the APTA Student Assembly Facebook page and Twitter feed (@APTASA) for updates on this important advocacy initiative. In the meantime, spread the word using graphics available for download on the FAS webpage.

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