Making plans for the Global PT Day of Service coming up on October 13? Snap a picture of what you're up to, and your charity of choice could wind up with a $500 donation from APTA.
Now in its third year, the Global PT Day of Service is an initiative designed to inspire physical therapists (PTs), physical therapist assistants (PTAs), students, and supporters of the profession to step up and make a difference in the lives of others through community service. All types of service efforts are welcomed, from volunteering at a pro bono clinic, to cleaning up a local park, to providing community children with working bicycles. It's a great time to get creative with impactful ideas that help underscore the transformative power of the physical therapy profession.
Again this year, APTA is highlighting the day by way of a photo contest. The rules are simple: share a photo or set of photos from your community event through social media during the week of October 8-13. Be sure to use the hashtag #PTDOS, and you're entered. APTA will choose a winner and donate $500 to the charity of the winner's choice—as well as publish the photo or photos on the APTA website. Photos must be posted by midnight Friday, October 19, to be considered.
Looking for more ways to demonstrate the profession's investment in improving communities? Here are a few ideas.
Pledge to Participate in PT Day of Service
Join fellow members of the physical therapy profession around the world in a day of service to our communities.
50-Chapter Challenge
Get your APTA state chapter involved in Global PT Day of Service by sponsoring an activity on October 13. Sponsorships are available for as little as $250, and participation includes any community service activity. It's a great way to build membership, build community, and raise funds for better access to quality PT and PTA services. Contact info@ptdayofservice.com for more information.
Alexandria, Virginia, Area: Join APTA Staff for Blood Drive
Join APTA staff members to participate in a neighborhood blood drive at APTA headquarters on October 3, 9:30 am–3:00 pm. The Inova Blood Donor Services mobile donation vehicle will be onsite collecting blood and blood supplies for use in Hurricane Florence relief efforts.
Alexandria, Virginia, Area: Join APTA Staff to be a Baseball 'Angel'
APTA staff and local APTA members will participate in the Miracle League of Alexandria baseball game Saturday, October 13, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm and Wednesday, October 17, 4:30 pm–6:30 pm by acting as "Angels in the Outfield." Volunteers will assist Miracle League players to run bases—either running for them, pushing wheelchairs, or just helping them and encouraging them along. Show up to cheer on the players, or sign up to be an angel.
Explore Other Possibilities
Contact a Global PT Day of Service Ambassador to discuss ideas and opportunities—the possibilities are wide open.