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There are new volunteer opportunities available with APTA—and a new way of letting the association know you're interested.

Calls are now open for several APTA Board of Directors-appointed groups, including the Reference, Ethics and Judicial, Finance and Audit, Public Policy and Advocacy, and Scientific and Practice Affairs committees; as well as APTA awards subcommittees on advocacy, education, lectures, practice and service, publications, research, scholarships, and Catherine Worthingham Fellows. Deadline for making your interest known is February 28, 2019, for all groups except the Reference Committee, which has a March 1 deadline. More information on the opportunities can be found on APTA's volunteer groups webpage.

But that's not all of what's new when it comes to volunteering with APTA. The most recent call for volunteers coincides with the debut of APTA Engage, a new volunteer portal designed to make it easier to serve the association and its components. The new system allows users to build a volunteer profile that can help identify the right volunteer fit, and features a dynamic list of opportunities ranging from 1-time, low time-commitment, locally based options to long-term volunteer positions at the national level.

Members interested in volunteer positions currently open should use APTA Engage to notify the association of their willingness to serve, but even those who aren't hoping to participate in 1 of the currently available roles should consider creating an APTA Engage profile soon to make the process that much easier when other opportunities present themselves. Questions? Contact

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