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A new project will collect and share videos that help Americans remain physically active during social distancing and isolation.

APTA is seeking physical therapists willing to record video of themselves leading exercises specific to their area of practice or clinical expertise that can be safely and easily done at home.

Approved videos will be posted to, APTA’s official consumer information website, and shared on our social media platforms geared toward consumers. Last year, attracted nearly 4 million unique visitors.

Participants can choose to create either a 20-minute video featuring a series of exercises, or several shorter videos featuring one exercise (with possible modifications for various fitness levels). Check out this video, produced by APTA member Megan Brown, PT, DPT, for for an example.

"The goal is to encourage Americans to keep moving while they are at home following the CDC’s guidelines to prevent the further spread of COVID-19," said Jason Bellamy, APTA's executive vice president of strategic communications. "This is also an opportunity to help APTA raise awareness about physical therapists’ roles as movement experts and to connect the public with, where visitors can learn about the value of physical therapy and find a PT in their area."

Interested? Let us know through this dedicated page on APTA Engage, the association's online center for volunteer opportunities. APTA staff will follow up with instructions for recording your video.

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