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As a concept, continuing competence is widely embraced in the profession — after all, who wouldn't want their PT or PTA to maintain, and even update, their knowledge, skills, and abilities? But nailing down what that concept actually means, how it applies from one jurisdiction to another, and the ingredients to a solid continuing competence course — that's where things get a little knotty.

APTA is helping to untangle the issues.

Now available: an webpage devoted exclusively to the underpinnings of continuing competence. The page and related links are designed to help PTs, PTAs, regulators, educators, course developers and evaluators, and others navigate physical therapy's continuing competence landscape through resources that cover both big-picture and more detailed concepts.

The page contains a collection of APTA positions on continuing competence and links to resources from the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy, including activity standards and guidelines. It also features additional recommended content including new continuing education course quality considerations, a list of core competencies of a PT resident, the Code of Ethics for the Physical Therapist, and the APTA Guide for Professional Conduct.

Among other uses, the resources available provide a way to evaluate course educational standards through a quick reference guide, and to check on your state's progress around continuing competence standards via FSBPT's jurisdictional reference guide on continuing competence activity approval. Look for additional resources in the future.

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