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What it measures:

  • Measures the ambulatory potential of lower limb amputees with or without a prosthesis.¹
  • Derived score can assist with prosthetic prescription.2
  • Three versions available: 
    • With Prosthesis (AMPPRO)
    • Without Prosthesis (AMPnoPRO)
    • Bilateral (AMP-B)

Target Population:

Individuals with lower limb amputations, including unilateral and bilateral amputations independent of pathology leading to the amputation.

Additional Information

ICF Domain:
Body Function
Activity Limitations


  • Neuromusculoskeletal and Movement-Related Functions
  • Mobility
  • General Tasks and Demands 

Type of Measurement:
Clinician administered, performance-based outcome measure, typically performed in-person due to high fall risk.

Taskforce Recommendations:
The Amputee Mobility Predictor is a recommended outcome measure for the limb-loss population by the 2017 VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline for Rehabilitation of Individuals with Lower Limb Amputation and the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics’ Consensus Outcome Measures for Prosthetic and Amputation Service (COMPASS) project.  

Clinical Insights:
The Amputee Mobility Predictor (AMPPRO, AMPnoPRO, AMP-B) enables the clinician to assess an individual’s mobility potential with lower limb loss whether or not they are presently utilizing a prosthesis. It is easily performed in the clinical setting with minimal equipment and setup time. Early use of this tool can help guide treatment and educational interventions in a patient’s plan of care as a wide variety of functional tests are assessed. Even if a patient is only able to perform a small portion of the test, it is a valuable measure for all levels of lower limb amputations.

In addition, this tool is often used to establish an individual’s “K-Level” or Medicare Functional Classification Level based on established normative data. K Levels, ranging from K0-K5, are often utilized in prosthetic device prescription. Individuals with higher K-Levels, particularly K3 and K4, may qualify for more advanced prosthetic componentry through their insurance. The AMP can therefore support the acquisition of more advanced prosthetic technology through collaborative practice with the patient’s prosthetist and prescribing physician.

The content of the Amputee Mobility Predictor is focused on typical functional mobility demands with the use of a prosthesis. For an assessment of higher level activity, there is the Comprehensive High-Level Activity Mobility Predictor (CHAMP). 

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