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If you're looking to grow your leadership skills, APTA collaborated with the American College of Healthcare Executives on a limited-time, special offer to help you do just that.
ACHE's mission is to advance their members and health care leadership excellence, with a vision to be the preeminent professional society for leaders dedicated to improving health.
In honor of APTA's centennial year, through July 1 APTA assisted 100 of our members in joining ACHE by covering 50% of those members’ first-year ACHE dues, reducing the cost from $160 to $80. (ACHE’s full membership dues are $345, which take effect in the sixth year of membership or when you earn fellow status.)
APTA members can still join ACHE and take advantage of their benefits and resources, but this limited time offer has expired.
Eligibility requirements for ACHE membership are a bachelor's degree and interest in or a commitment to the profession of health care management.
ACHE members can become a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives through a certification process. Benefits of ACHE membership also include complimentary subscriptions to ACHE's Healthcare Executive magazine and either the Journal of Healthcare Management or Frontiers of Health Services Management.
"APTA and ACHE are both committed to growing our members' experience and expertise," said APTA CEO Justin Moore, PT, DPT. "Our centennial year is a launchpad toward a better, brighter future for the physical therapy profession and our association. By collaborating on this initiative with ACHE we hope to develop the leadership skills of those who want to guide the way into our second century."