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Who Are Tomorrow's PTs and PTAs?

Jun 1, 2018/Feature

As the patient population becomes more diverse, are physical therapy providers keeping up? Who are today's PTs and PTAs? Who will they be tomorrow?

Compliance Matters: Supervision Requirements for PTAs and Physical Therapy Students

May 1, 2018/Column

Supervision Requirements for PTAs and Physical Therapy Students

Taking the Road Less Traveled

May 1, 2018/Feature

These PTs have widened their possibilities by narrowing their patient and client base.

Professional Pulse

Apr 1, 2018/Magazine

- Datapoints\r\n - Health Care Headlines\r\n - Research Roundup\r\n - Update on Opiods\r\n - Association Resources\r\n - In Memoriam

Beyond Limitations

Apr 1, 2018/Column

Extending coverage and horizons.

Professional Pulse

Mar 1, 2018/Magazine

- Datapoints\r\n- Health Care Headlines\r\n- Research Roundup\r\n- Association Resources

Cookin' Up Something Better

Mar 1, 2018/Article

Identifying the ingredients of success.


Feb 1, 2018/Magazine

Avoiding Charges of Sexual Misconduct.

Tapping the Upper Limits of Our Potential

Feb 1, 2018/Article

The key is to strive for it.

The Perils of Self-Deception

Feb 1, 2018/Article

Literal bad timing gives a PT a choice.

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Manipulation of the Cervical Spine: Risks and Benefits

Dec 31, 1998/Professional Perspective


Manipulation of the cervical spine (MCS) is used in the

Review the Journal!

Nov 30, 1998/Editor's Notes

Variations in Posteroanterior Stiffness in the Thoracolumbar Spine: Preliminary Observations and Proposed Mechanisms

Nov 30, 1998/Research Reports

Background and Purpose. Evaluation of posteroanterior (PA) movement

Author Response

Nov 30, 1998/Research Reports

Certification in CDP

Nov 30, 1998/Letters and Responses

<italic>To the Editor:</italic>

I am writing regarding the case

Program Accreditation

Nov 30, 1998/Letters and Responses

<italic>To the Editor:</italic>

I am a physical therapist who


Nov 30, 1998/Corrections

Figure 1 in the article “An Examination of the Selective Tissue Tension Scheme,

Simultaneous Palpation of the Craniosacral Rate at the Head and Feet: Intrarater and Interrater Reliability and Rate Comparisons

Oct 31, 1998/Research Reports

Background and Purpose. The main purpose of this study was to determine

Moving Precisely? Or Taking the Path of Least Resistance?

Oct 31, 1998/Twenty-Ninth Mary McMillan Lecture

More on the DPT

Oct 31, 1998/Letters and Responses

<italic>To the Editor:</italic>

I read with interest the letter