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Role of the Physical Therapist and APTA in Sleep Health

Aug 20, 2020/Policies & Bylaws

House positon: Supports collaboration between physical therapists and sleep medicine professionals to enhance the health and well-being of society.

Practice Profile

Jan 1, 2018/Resource

This report presents data on the number of patients seen by therapists and the number of patient visits as a measure of productivity.

Recruiting and Hiring PTs Educated Outside of the United States

Mar 1, 2021/Podcast

This podcast focuses on panelists' experiences as internationally educated physical therapists working with recruiters, and how elements of the APTA House of Delegates guideline "Recruiting and Hiring Internationally Educated Physical Therapists" were put into practice and resulted in a good

State Advocacy for Imaging Orders by Physical Therapist

Aug 28, 2023/Resource

This resource was developed to help APTA state chapters advocate for explicit authority for physical therapists to order imaging for patients.

Access to Physical Therapists as Entry-Point Practitioners For Activity Participation, Wellness, Health, And Disability Determination

Oct 26, 2022/Policies & Bylaws

House position: States APTA's support for unrestricted access to physical therapists as entry-point practitioners for activity participation, wellness, health, and disability determination.

Telehealth Physical Therapy Is Provided by Licensed Therapists, Not Technology

Sep 22, 2021/Statement

While APTA recognizes telehealth as a component of physical therapist practice, we challenge any reference to physical therapy by technology companies, products, or applications for products that are not directed and delivered by a physical therapist.

Physical Therapists and Clinical Decision Making Across the Life Span

Mar 25, 2022/Podcast

This updated Integrated Framework for making clinical decisions responds to changes in evidence, policy, and practice.

Considering Mental and Behavioral Health in Physical Therapy Patient Care

May 13, 2021/Podcast

In this episode, experts explore how the mind and body intersect in the healing process, and how physical therapists and physical therapist assistants can provide better patient care by understanding the body's response to stress and trauma.

Clinical Specialization In Physical Therapy

Oct 4, 2023/Policies & Bylaws

House position: The American Physical Therapy Association supports the recognition of physical therapists who have attained voluntary specialization of practice. 

Administrative Burden Advocacy

Excessive time and resources spent on documentation and administrative tasks can hurt patient outcomes.