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Turn an Idea Into Reality With the Pro Bono Incubator

Apr 3, 2017/Perspective

Move Together wants to help you turn those ideas into reality.

It Doesn't Have to Be a Grand Gesture to Make a Great Impact

Aug 27, 2017/Perspective

The people are my favorite part of our profession.

Cookin' Up Something Better

Mar 1, 2018/Article

Identifying the ingredients of success.

News From NEXT: Building Wellness Programs in the Least Likely Places

Jun 17, 2019/News

Sometimes, basic assumptions beg to be questioned. Just ask physical therapists (PTs) in the oncology rehabilitation department of Froedtert Hospital and Medical College of Wisconsin, who wondered why prevention and wellness couldn't be a part of the patient experience from the moment they entered the

Can't-Miss Special Edition of PTJ Focuses on Intersection of Pediatric Physical Therapy and Developmental Science

Jun 12, 2019/News

The June edition of PTJ (Physical Therapy) is something special: an entire issue devoted to the ways pediatric physical therapy and developmental science are informing each other—all to the benefit of children and their families. The issue shouldn't be missed, say Alyssa Fiss, PT, PhD, and Anjana Bhat,

Study: 61% of Opioid-Related Deaths Linked to Chronic Pain Diagnosis

Nov 29, 2017/News

Researchers have found that more than 6 out of 10 individuals who died of an opioid-related cause had received a diagnosis for a chronic noncancer pain condition within the preceding year.

AGs From 37 States Call for Better Insurance Coverage for Nonopioid Pain Treatment

Sep 27, 2017/News

AGs from 37 states have let the insurance industry know that the fight against the nation's opioid crisis won't be won unless health care providers are encouraged to prioritize nonopioid pain management options over opioid prescriptions for the treatment of chronic, noncancer pain.

Draft HHS Report Backs Nonpharmacological Pain Management, Calls for Better Payer Coverage of Physical Therapy

Jan 8, 2019/News

Much like an APTA white paper on opioids and pain management published in the summer of 2018, a draft report from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) says that it's time to address the gaps in the health care system that make it difficult to follow best practices in addressing pain—including

PT Role in Wound Management Team Reinforced in New White Paper

Mar 1, 2017/News

A new white paper that describes the current state of PTs in wound management.

U.S. Reps Urge House Leadership to Stop Proposed 2021 Payment Cuts

May 29, 2020/News

A letter from 46 U.S. representatives calls the cuts "reckless."