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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Aug 28, 2014/Policies & Bylaws
House position: APTA positions, standards, guidelines, policies, and procedures are intended to communicate best practice for physical therapist practice.
Mar 18, 2022/Open Access
If you’re looking to support Ukraine and the Ukrainian Association of Physical Therapy, please review the information and resources provided by World Physiotherapy.
Nov 1, 2022/Feature
The APTA Ethics and Judicial Committee offers strategies for strengthening the ethical foundations and resources that guide our profession.
Apr 1, 2017/Column
Finding inspiration in a former patient.
Use this toolkit to guide you through a self-assessment of services you provide to college athletic programs.
Nov 29, 2022/Policies & Bylaws
Board policy: Describes APTA's Board of Directors' authority and responsibilities for establishing and appointing members to designated groups.
Mar 1, 2021/Feature
There's a need for PTs to advocate for change both within and outside the United States.
Nov 23, 2020/Perspective
Medicare Status and Medicare Advantage
Mar 16, 2018/News
Now available from APTA's Move Forward Radio: a conversation with Ryan Balmes, PT, DPT, who addresses many common questions and concerns about what happens when the body is recovering from injury and the role of the PT in that process.
Feb 5, 2021/News
Included: lists of what is and isn't considered medically necessary under Anthem's MA, Medicaid, and commercial offerings.