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Signe Brunnstrom Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching


This award honors a PT in a site coordinator of clinical education or clinical instructor role who has been actively engaged in clinical teaching at entry or advanced levels of physical therapy education for a minimum of 5 years.

Marilyn Moffat Leadership Award


This award honors an individual held in high regard by their peers for distinguished leadership and significant contributions to the physical therapy profession and the association.

Jack Walker Award


This award honors an author or team whose published study in PTJ: Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal presents novel and innovative research related to patient care and advances clinical science as it pertains to the physical therapy profession.

Helen J. Hislop Award for Outstanding Contributions to Professional Literature


This award honors a PT who has been actively engaged in writing and publishing professional literature pertaining to the physical therapy profession for at least 10 years.

Mary McMillan Scholarship Award


This award recognizes students within 12 months of completing all requirements for graduation who exhibit superior scholastic ability and potential for future professional contribution.

Arthritis Management Community-Based Programs

May 15, 2019/Open Access

Finding the right physical activity program can extend the benefits of your treatment and help your patients maintain their mobility and independence.

Recursos para fisioterapeutas de APTA en español

Jan 12, 2021/Resource

APTA ofrece recursos de fisioterapia en español. Los recursos en esta página incluyen pautas de práctica clínica, artículos de PTJ, cursos del Learning Center, del Centro de referencia de rehabilitación.

Draft HHS Report Backs Nonpharmacological Pain Management, Calls for Better Payer Coverage of Physical Therapy

Jan 8, 2019/News

Much like an APTA white paper on opioids and pain management published in the summer of 2018, a draft report from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) says that it's time to address the gaps in the health care system that make it difficult to follow best practices in addressing pain—including

Study: 61% of Opioid-Related Deaths Linked to Chronic Pain Diagnosis

Nov 29, 2017/News

Researchers have found that more than 6 out of 10 individuals who died of an opioid-related cause had received a diagnosis for a chronic noncancer pain condition within the preceding year.

It Doesn't Have to Be a Grand Gesture to Make a Great Impact

Aug 27, 2017/Perspective

The people are my favorite part of our profession.