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Top APTA Podcasts of 2023

Jan 2, 2024/Roundup

APTA podcasts helped you inform your practice, gain insight into regulatory issues, and explore professional ethics.

APTA Frontiers in Rehabilitation, Science and Technology Network

Jan 23, 2024/Open Access

Network members work to leverage scientific and technological discoveries to advance physical therapist practice, education, and research.

APTA Health Systems Network

Jan 24, 2023/Open Access

The network is a community for members who practice in major health systems and share a common goal to improve society by advancing practice.

APTA Advocacy Win: Defense Dept. to Roll Out System-Wide Direct Access to PTs

Jan 26, 2024/News

A new report from DOD says that positioning PTs as primary care providers for neuromusculoskeletal conditions is "entirely feasible."

2024 APTA Leadership Scholars Program Welcomes New Class

Feb 2, 2024/News

The 25 selected PTs, PTAs, and students bring diverse experiences and perspectives to the program.

Study: ED, Inpatient Visits for Fall Injuries Top $19 Billion Annually

Feb 7, 2024/Review

An analysis of discharge data uncovered patterns that point to the need for more attention on falls prevention.

Couldn't Come to Boston? Let APTA CSM Content Come to You

Mar 6, 2024/News

Access more than 100 sessions from the conference — including some of the most popular ones — between March 15 and April 15.

Going Straight to the Source: Direct-to-Employer Services

Mar 1, 2024/Feature

Direct-to-employer physical therapy companies take out the insurance middleman.

PTJ Author Interview With Sabine Vesting: Early Postpartum Exercise and the Impact on Pelvic Symptoms

Feb 27, 2024/Podcast

When can you start exercising after pregnancy?

APTA-Backed Senate Resolution Focuses on 'Epidemic of Burnout' in Health Care

Mar 12, 2024/News

The resolution articulates support for reduced administrative burden and better access to mental health care for providers.