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Sponsor a Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program Course


Follow these steps to coordinate a CCIP Level 1 or Level 2 course in your facility.

Big Win: UnitedHealthcare Makes Telehealth Permanent for PTs

May 26, 2021/News

UHC is the first of the largest insurers to make the move advocated by APTA.

APTA Working for You: Commercial Payer Updates, July 2019

Jul 22, 2019/News

The commercial payer world is varied and continually evolving. APTA helps its members by staying on top of changes and bringing the physical therapy profession's voice to the table on a wide range of private payer-related issues. Here's a quick rundown of some of the latest news and APTA activities.

Advocacy in Action: Fee Schedule Comment Letters From APTA Members, Part 1

Aug 23, 2022/Perspective

We're sharing real-world examples of what makes for a great comment letter. This installment: a new PT's perspective.

House Legislation Would Make Telehealth for PTs and PTAs Permanent in Medicare

Mar 24, 2021/News

If signed into law, the APTA-backed bill would achieve a major association goal. Contact Congress now to voice your support.

An Introduction to Alternative Payment Models

Apr 23, 2019/Article

Alternative payment models can seem hard to understand at first. We break down the basics.

APTA 2022 CSM: Calling All ‘Pandemic Whisperers’ To Address Ethical Challenges

Feb 4, 2022/Article

The 53rd McMillan Lecture focused on ways the pandemic has highlighted the need to fully integrate ethics into the profession's identity.

How-To Guide to Getting Students Involved in Your State

Feb 13, 2017/Perspective

Student leaders in New York tell us how they ramped up student involvement and engagement in their state, and how you can too.

Pulse Advice With Ryan Duncan, PT, DPT

Sep 12, 2016/Interview

We asked Ryan some questions to provide advice to current students.

I'm an Early-Career PT Learning About Resilience — And Building a Legacy

Feb 17, 2023/Perspective

What legacy will you leave with your clients? With your students? With your family? Today is a great day to answer those questions.