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Commitment to Person-Centered Services

Aug 30, 2018/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Addresses the responsibility of physical therapists and physical therapist assistants to ensure that the best interests of the person remain at the center of services provided.

Definition of Underrepresented Minority Populations in Physical Therapy Education

Aug 28, 2014/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Defines the term "underrepresented" in relation to physical therapy education.

Editorial Corrections of Board of Directors-Approved Documents and Actions

Nov 1, 2021/Policies & Bylaws

Board policy: Staff shall be authorized to make such editorial corrections and shall be charged to notify the Board of Directors of corrections made. 

Emerging Leader Award

Nov 29, 2022/Policies & Bylaws

Board policy: Describes the purpose, eligibility and criteria for selection for the Emerging Leader Award.


Nov 29, 2022/Policies & Bylaws

Board policy: Describes the association's position on endorsements

Legal and Ethical Expectations for Clinical Education

Aug 30, 2018/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Outlines expectations to provide clinical education that complies with legal and ethical standards for patient and client management, is consistent with the association's positions and promotes professional development.

Vision Statement for the Physical Therapy Profession

Sep 25, 2019/Policies & Bylaws

House position: States the vision statement for the physical therapy profession and outlines the guiding principles to achieve this vision.

Integrity in Serving the Association

Jul 27, 2012/Policies & Bylaws

House policy: Describes various circumstances that may create or cause a conflict of interest and outlines general guidance on how to uphold integrity in those situations.

Investments Held for Reserve

Apr 26, 2019/Policies & Bylaws

Board policy: Defines investments held for reserve and the annual goal for the assets in this category.

Naloxone Availability Where Physical Therapist Services are Provided

Sep 20, 2019/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Describes the association's position on access and use of naloxone as it relates to physical therapy services.