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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Jul 31, 2019/Article
Planning materials, templates, and help for providers in understanding their obligations under the CMS emergency preparedness regulations.
Aug 18, 2019/Perspective
Evidence-based practice and training in the scientific principles underlying practice applications are at the core of residency training.
Sep 20, 2022/Article
As digital health technology continues to evolve and incorporate into clinical care, APTA has identified resources from the international community that can enhance your digital literacy.
Dec 1, 2020/Feature
You're invited to multiple events to mark APTA's 100th birthday and the future of physical therapy.
Jun 5, 2017/Test & Measure
Measures the degree to which an individual is able to perform upper extremity and lower extremity functional activities.
Mar 1, 2020/Column
Employing contemporary theories of neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity to enhance children's lives.
Aug 1, 2015/Column
The effects of a bicycle accident were immediate and lasting.
Jan 31, 2022/Perspective
The theme of the parade, "Dream. Believe. Achieve," aligned perfectly with messages we give our patients and clients.
May 1, 2022/Magazine
This month, APTA Magazine spotlights the following APTA Centennial Scholars: Michelle Fogg and Ash Michelle Haller.
May 1, 2024/Feature
In delivering the 55th Mary McMillan Lecture, Judith Deutsch, PT, PhD, FAPTA, urged the profession to meet global responsibilities.