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Assisted 6-Minute Arm and Leg Cycling Test (A6MCT) for Muscular Dystrophy (MD)

Jan 28, 2014/Test & Measure

Assisted 6-Minute Arm and Leg Cycling Test (A6MCT) for Muscular Dystrophy (MD)

State Telehealth Laws, Regulations, Policies, and Guidance

Aug 25, 2021/Summary

Access a state-by-state chart that links to current state laws, regulations, executive orders, policies, and guidance governing telehealth for physical therapy.

Important but Underused: PTs, PTAs, and Disaster Response

Oct 1, 2019/Feature

PTs and PTAs have much to offer patients and health care teams before, during, and after disasters. Part of the challenge, however, is educating other providers about those benefits.

Parading the Power of Physical Therapy

Jan 31, 2022/Perspective

The theme of the parade, "Dream. Believe. Achieve," aligned perfectly with messages we give our patients and clients.

APTA Centennial Scholars Spotlight: May 2022

May 1, 2022/Magazine

This month, APTA Magazine spotlights the following APTA Centennial Scholars: Michelle Fogg and Ash Michelle Haller.

CSM Delivers: Management and Leadership

Oct 24, 2018/News

The 2019 APTA Combined Sections Meeting, set for January 23-26 in downtown Washington, DC, provides multiple forums for learning more about this crucial area of the profession.

Choosing Wisely: The Right Care at the Right Time

Aug 3, 2020/Article

APTA is among the medical specialty societies to join the Choosing Wisely® Campaign in creating transparencies between health care providers and patients.

Physical Therapy and COVID-19 in the Media: Seven Worthwhile Reads

Apr 28, 2020/News

The challenges of providing physical therapy during a pandemic haven't escaped the media's attention. Here are six stories on how the profession is responding — and one exploration of what could soon be a huge issue for PTs and PTAs.

APTA Offers General and Pediatric-Focused COVID-19 Guidance for PTs, PTAs, Students

Mar 30, 2020/News

Two resources: a general PT management of patients, and guidance hat specifically addresses pediatric physical therapy.

APTA, ACSM Partnership Agreement Formalizes Long-Time Collaboration

Feb 4, 2019/News

A longstanding collaborative relationship is now official: APTA and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) have entered into a formal partnership that the organizations believe will strengthen their work toward improving health through movement. ACSM is now a participant in the APTA Partnerships