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Coronavirus Update: March 20, 2020

Mar 20, 2020/News

APTA's President issues a statement, updated e-visit Q&A and webinar recording available, telehealth grassroots advocacy, and more.

Noridian Audits Call for Documentation that Could Be Impossible to Provide

Jan 31, 2022/News

The notices being sent to PTs ask for records more in line with inpatient facilities. Here's what we know — and tips on how to respond.

MIPS Is Here

Apr 1, 2019/Column

This is what you need to know now.

John H.P. Maley Lecture Award


This award is annually presented to a PT member who has demonstrated clinical expertise and significant contributions to the physical therapy profession.

Final Rule on ACA Insurance Exchanges Opens the Door for Market Instability, Disruptions in Care

Apr 11, 2018/News

HHS is making good on the Trump administration's promise to relax requirements in the ACA, releasing a set of rule changes that will alter the way states deal with "essential health benefits" and potentially reduce consumer access to help in choosing an insurance plan in the state marketplaces.

From Soap Opera To SOAP Notes

Sep 1, 2016/Column

It all started with General Hospital.

Research Rocks On: Eight Non-COVID Studies You Might've Missed

Jul 24, 2020/Roundup

The coronavirus pandemic demands our attention. But that hasn't stopped the flow of research in other areas relevant to physical therapy.

APTA Working for You: Practice-Related Updates, February 2019

Feb 26, 2019/News

APTA bringsthe profession's insights and expertise to bear in a variety of settings. Here's a quick rundown of some of the latest news and APTA activities. Professional Issues APTA helps the National Institutes of Health's (NIH’s) "Go4Life" exercise campaign spread the word about the benefits of exercise:

You Down With QPP? Watch and See (And Take the Quiz)

Aug 9, 2017/News

Since late 2015, APTA has been rolling out new resources to help members prepare for what's coming down the pike as CMS implements its Quality Payment Program (QPP).

Shaping Our Next 100 Years: Creating a Tool for Change

Feb 23, 2021/Perspective

We can engage now, not at some point in the future.