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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
May 1, 2014/Article
The purpose of this study was to describe the patient handling practices of acute care physical therapists and their perceptions regarding SPH.
May 1, 2020/CPG
These guidelines address the prevention, diagnosis, risk assessment, and treatment of hypertension in adults and children, including new guidance on the management of resistant hypertension and the management of hypertension in women planning pregnancy.
Jul 1, 2020/CPG
The Academy of Oncologic Physical Therapy of APTA published its first major treatment-related clinical practice guideline — a resource on treatment of lymphedema related to breast cancer targeted specifically at the PT's role.
Feb 21, 2020/Test & Measure
Oct 1, 2020/Article
The ability of different IT systems to communicate data accurately and efficiently is a major issue in health care — and can be an opportunity for PTs.
Sep 8, 2020/Test & Measure
Pain pressure threshold (PPT) is used to measure deep muscular tissue sensitivity.
Nov 1, 2021/Test & Measure
The 2-Minute Step Test (2MST) is used to assess aerobic endurance and functional fitness originally
Apr 1, 2022/CPG
Related Resources Parkinson Disease CPG Toolkit Pocket Guide Podcast: Parkinson CPG Knowledge Translation Translations: Chinese, Greek CPG+ Appraisal Rating 6 out of 7 (How was this rating made?) Highlights This CPG provides 12 recommendations and 2 best practice statements for physical therapist management
Nov 11, 2021/CPG
This "living" guideline covers identifying, assessing, and managing the long-term effects of COVID-19, frequently described as "long COVID." It makes recommendations about care in all health care settings for adults, children, and young people who have new or ongoing symptoms lasting four weeks or more
Jan 26, 2021/Article
To determine your obligations under Title VI, HHS regulations and guidance, and the Affordable Care Act, consider these four factors.