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Pain Centralization

Nov 30, 2017/Test & Measure

This test is used to obtain information with regard to centralization or peripheralization of pain or other symptom behavior as a response to testing in specific directions or mechanical loading.

APTA Employer Group Membership Pilot

Help your employees cultivate new skills and advance their careers.

What's New at, Fall 2018

Oct 5, 2018/News

APTA's consumer information website,, is a continually expanding resource where patients learn about the many conditions and patient populations PTs treat.

Proposed Medicare Fee Schedule Maintains—and Sometimes Increases—Payment for Codes Related to Physical Therapy

Jul 17, 2017/News

No cuts. And even a few increases. That's the major takeaway from the proposed Medicare 2018 physician fee schedule released by CMS.

Study Says Cost Savings of Physical Therapy for LBP Are Significant

Jul 26, 2017/News

Researchers say that not only is physical therapy cheaper than injections or surgery for LBP in the short-term, it's an approach that is likely to save on treatment costs for at least a year after initial diagnosis.

IMPACT's Impact on Postacute Care Quality Data

Oct 1, 2016/Column

Highlights and resources for navigating the changes.

Woodruff Lecturer Challenges the Profession To Be 'Brave and Honest' About DEI

Jun 29, 2021/News

Charlene Portee delivered a frank assessment of where things stand, and an inspiring vision for courageously embracing change.

Implementing Evidence-Based Practice Throughout a Large Hospital System

Apr 1, 2015/Feature

Putting into place evidence-based practice and clinical practice guidelines across a large hospital system can pose substantial challenges. Here's how one system is approaching the task.

Student Spotlight: APTA Oncology, an academy of the American Physical Therapy Association

Aug 21, 2020/Open Access

The mission of APTA Oncology is to optimize movement and quality of life of individuals impacted by cancer and chronic illness.

APTA Expands Efforts to Address the Opioid Crisis

Oct 24, 2017/News

The association has been active in responding to opioid abuse since 2015.