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My NSC Experience: I Will Be a Physical Therapist

Dec 18, 2017/Perspective

NSC 2017 was hands-down one of my favorite weekends throughout my time in physical therapy school.

Nutrition and Physical Therapy: A Powerful Combination

Aug 14, 2018/Perspective

Research shows that PTs can play an active role in lifestyle-related interventions, such as nutrition.

Meaningful Membership

Apr 3, 2017/Perspective

I joined APTA as a first-year student. I didn’t hesitate.

Don't Be Afraid to Sweat

Aug 25, 2019/Perspective

Recognizing that we need to adjust our clinical practice requires self-reflection, patience, and a lot of effort.

Supervision of Physical Therapist Assistants Under Medicare

May 27, 2019/Article

Understand the basics behind supervision of PTAs under Medicare.

Putting Advocacy To Work at Federal Advocacy Forum

Feb 2, 2020/Perspective

Even with all of that uncertainty I wanted to go and experience #PTAdvocacy in action and learn where I fit in to all of it.

Analysis: The 'Big 5' Insurers Are Increasingly Dependent on Medicare and Medicaid for Revenue

Dec 13, 2017/News

The degree to which the "big 5" private health insurers have come to rely on Medicare and Medicaid for their revenues may be the key to increasing their involvement in the ACA's individual marketplaces, according to authors of a new analysis in Health Affairs.

'No Bigger Fan': US Surgeon General Believes the Physical Therapy Profession is a Key Player in the Fight Against Opioid Misuse

Jan 24, 2019/News

If you think the physical therapy profession has an important role to play in improving public health on multiple fronts, you won't get any arguments from US Surgeon General Jerome Adams, MD, MPH. In fact, you might get the rhetorical equivalent of a high-five. In an address that repeatedly cited the

Study: Light Physical Activity Could Help to Lower Risk of Coronary and Cardiovascular Problems

Mar 20, 2019/Review

Rsearchers are finding that even light physical activity can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease.

Large-Scale Investigation: Falls-Prevention Exercise Interventions Work

Feb 27, 2019/Review

Strong support for exercise interventions as a way to reduce both the risk of falls among adults 65 and older and the actual number of those who experience a fall.