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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
This award recognizes the plans, initiatives, and services developed by accredited physical therapist professional education programs or physical therapist assistant education programs in the areas of recruitment, admission, retention, and graduation of minority students.
Mar 15, 2023/News
The APTA 2023 Combined Sections Meeting is a wrap — and it was one for the books.
Aug 14, 2017/Article
During the July APTA Student Assembly #XchangeSA chat we talked about empathy and emotions in the workplace with physical therapist and mental health expert Daphne Scott, PT, DSc, MS. Watch the full discussion here or listen to the podcast version. Join us for the August #XchangeSA chat Sunday, August
Oct 24, 2018/News
The 2019 APTA Combined Sections Meeting, set for January 23-26 in downtown Washington, DC, provides multiple forums for learning more about this crucial area of the profession.
Jul 18, 2023/Report
This landmark report from APTA provides a comprehensive view of the current profession. It uses data from APTA's 2021-22 practice profile survey along with data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau to evaluate the physical therapy workforce. Data includes the number of
May 20, 2019/Comment Letters
We recommend that greater attention be focused on the “end-game,” which is better performance by all health care providers and improved health outcomes.
Use templated letters to take action on payment and regulatory issues impacting your practice.
Sep 15, 2021/Roundup
Members on everything from massage guns to milk crates--our roundup of media coverage that includes PTs, PTAs, and students.
Aug 15, 2023/Podcast
One of the biggest ethical issues in the profession is balancing productivity and quality patient care.
Oct 3, 2023/News
The agency's decision, strongly supported by APTA, means more support for research on intersectionality and health outcomes.