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APTA Academy of Hand and Upper Extremity Physical Therapy and Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy: Hand Pain and Sensory Deficits: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CPG+)

May 1, 2019/CPG

This guideline rpovides evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for management of patients with hand pain, and sensory deficits: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Busting Payment Myths, Part 8: Wherefore the Payment Cut?

Jan 29, 2021/Perspective

PTs are facing Medicare payment cuts. But what does that really mean?

Proposed FY '22 SNF Rule: A PDPM Surprise; CMS Acknowledges Lower Therapy Rates

Apr 13, 2021/Review

CMS says the PDPM is 5% more costly than the previous payment system, and warns SNFs to not let finances "override" clinical judgment.

The Heart of the Storm: I'm a PT in Manhattan. Here's What it's Been Like

Apr 2, 2020/Perspective

One day my schedule was full and our clinic was bustling, and the next the cancellations came sweeping in.

Timed Up and Go (TUG) for Parkinson Disease (PD)

Jan 21, 2013/Test & Measure

For parkinson disease

St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire - COPD (SGRQ)

Jan 22, 2013/Test & Measure

Measures the impact of respiratory disease on participation.

10-Meter Walk Test (10MWT) for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

May 21, 2013/Test & Measure

Assesses walking speed in meters per second (m/s) over a short duration.

Berg Balance Scale (BBS) for Parkinson Disease (PD)

Jun 13, 2013/Test & Measure

Berg Balance Scale for Parkinson Disease

6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) for Stroke

Jun 12, 2013/Test & Measure

Measures aerobic capacity; gait.

Neck Disability Index (NDI)

Jun 12, 2013/Test & Measure

Measures how neck pain with or without concomitant upper extremity symptoms affects ability to manage everyday life activities.