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Coronavirus Update: March 17, 2020

Mar 17, 2020/News

APTA provides a statement, resources, and guidance; CMS allows limited digital services by PTs; the CDC says gatherings should be fewer than 50 people, and more.

New Physical Activity Guidelines Stress the Importance of Movement of any Duration

Nov 13, 2018/News

"Adults should move more and sit less throughout the day," HHS says in its latest edition of nationwide guidelines for PA. "Some physical activity is better than none."

Let's Make a Difference Together—It's Not Too Late

May 21, 2019/Perspective

It started at APTA's Annual Conference in Boston in 2005. I was walking back to the hotel with my colleague and fellow PTA Kerry Williams. We had a late dinner and decided to stop at a fast food restaurant for ice cream. That's when I saw a mother and her two kids, a brother and sister ages maybe 9 and

Putting Advocacy To Work at Federal Advocacy Forum

Feb 2, 2020/Perspective

Even with all of that uncertainty I wanted to go and experience #PTAdvocacy in action and learn where I fit in to all of it.

PQRS and MIPS: A Quality Reporting Update

May 1, 2016/Column

Reporting requirements for PTs in private practice are the same this year as last. Change is coming, however.

#PTFam and the Postconference Blues

Jul 16, 2017/Perspective

I have never before found a place so quickly where I feel that I belong.

The 60-Day Overpayment Final Rule

Jul 1, 2016/Column

For PTs billing Medicare, the document offers welcome clarity.

President's Budget Proposes Cuts to Public Health Programs, Health Research, Medicare, and Medicaid

Mar 19, 2019/News

Although characterized by supporters as an approach that "embodies fiscal responsibility," the 2020 federal budget proposal from the Trump administration is facing criticism that the $4.1 trillion plan cuts too deeply into health care and education. Many of the proposed changes run counter to current

Slump Test

Aug 7, 2017/Test & Measure

A progressive series of maneuvers designed to provide traction to the lumbar nerve roots and to place the sciatic nerve roots under increasing tension.

Preventing Reinjury in Surgical Patients

Dec 1, 2017/Column

Here's how PTs can best avoid potential problems and reduce litigation risks.