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Recommendations And Nominations For National Office

Sep 20, 2019/Policies & Bylaws

House policy: Recommendations for elected office in the American Physical Therapy Association may be submitted by any individual member.

Pelvic Health by and for Men

Jun 1, 2023/Feature

Pelvic health isn't just for women. Here's how PTs can help with the pelvic issues that men face.

The Good Stuff: Members and the Profession in the Media, November 2018

Nov 14, 2018/News

"The Good Stuff," is an occasional series that highlights recent media coverage of physical therapy and APTA members, with an emphasis on good news and stories of how individual PTs and PTAs are transforming health care and society every day.

Posture and Movement Coordination, Sensorimotor Integration May Affect Motor Skills in Children With Autism

Sep 6, 2019/Review

A study explored differences among children with and without ASD in motor planning and control.

The Good Stuff: Members and the Profession in the Media, July 2019

Jul 17, 2019/News

"The Good Stuff" is an occasional series that highlights recent media coverage of physical therapy and APTA members, with an emphasis on good news and stories of how individual PTs and PTAs are transforming health care and society every day. Enjoy! "Life is always going to find a way": Dakota Kay, PT,

6 Easy Ways to Spread the Word During National Physical Therapy Month

Oct 11, 2023/Roundup

APTA's Public Relations and Marketing Center can help you celebrate the profession (and look good doing it).

NIH: People With Disabilities Among Groups Experiencing Health Disparities

Oct 3, 2023/News

The agency's decision, strongly supported by APTA, means more support for research on intersectionality and health outcomes.

Study: Excessive Sitting Time Is a Global Problem

Jul 6, 2022/Review

Researchers say sedentary lifestyles are increasing death and CVD rates worldwide — and that lower-income countries may be at greater risk.

APTA Working for You: Federal Advocacy Updates, October 2018

Oct 23, 2018/News

APTA helps its members by staying on top of changes and bringing the physical therapy profession's voice to the table on a wide range of payment and care-related issues.

Advocacy: Easy, Accessible, Important

Feb 25, 2018/Perspective

Maybe advocacy sounds boring, unappealing, or unimportant to you. To that I say, hogwash!