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To All Students: Remember, You've Got This

Sep 18, 2018/Perspective

Now is the time to buckle up and settle in, because you're now a part of an amazing profession.

My Team

Dec 12, 2019/Perspective

That's when I found APTA—or better yet, APTA found me.

Giving Back to the Community That Supports Us

Nov 12, 2018/Perspective

No matter how hard we think we have it, there are people in our own community who have it much harder.

PT Education: The Next Generation Needs Us

Nov 18, 2019/Perspective

The profession needs individuals who are excited and energized to fill the staffing demands of the future.

One Thousand Miles

Mar 24, 2019/Perspective

My new year's resolution was to run 1,000 miles by the end of that calendar year.

Knowledge Gaps of the Physical Therapist With the Limb Salvage Recovery Process

Mar 12, 2019/Perspective

From the rehab side of things, it was apparent that we had a huge gap in our knowledge for treating a patient whose limb was saved.

A Love Story Years in the Making

Feb 11, 2019/Perspective

By taking time out of my day, I was making an impact on our profession. How cool is that?

APTA Is My Second Home

Dec 22, 2019/Perspective

It was my first national conference, my first national research presentation, and my first experience with APTA, and wow, I was blown away!

It Started with a Meeting

Feb 26, 2019/Perspective

I saw firsthand how a professional association conducted business.

Commended for My Eagerness

Feb 4, 2019/Perspective

I soon learned that #PTFam is more than just a hashtag.