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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Nov 5, 2013/CPG
This guideline provides recommendations on screening for high blood pressure in children and adolescents who do not have symptoms of hypertension.
Jun 1, 2014/CPG
This guideline offers recommendations for the diagnosis and management of subacromial pain syndrome (or shoulder impingement syndrome).
Jan 1, 2019/CPG
This website helps health care professionals manage children and adolescents with concussion or prolonged postconcussion symptoms.
Jun 28, 2017/Test & Measure
The WOMAC is a disease-specific tool used for people with hip or knee OA to measure physical function, pain, and stiffness in the past 48 hours.
Nov 1, 2016/CPG
Recommendations on how to deliver cardiac rehabilitation components in low-resource settings, from initial assessment through return to work and outcome evaluation. [Subscription or purchase required.]
Feb 25, 2018/Perspective
Maybe advocacy sounds boring, unappealing, or unimportant to you. To that I say, hogwash!
Aug 12, 2018/Perspective
Here are some things I learned about how to make the best of conference week.
APTA's regulatory experts keep you updated on changes to Medicare coding and billing.
Sep 22, 2017/News
The basic outline of the "Graham-Cassidy" legislation - the US Senate's latest attempt to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) - raises enough concern that APTA opposed the bill this week.
Jun 1, 2022/Podcast
PTs working with people with long COVID should measure and validate the patient’s experience.