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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Jun 12, 2019/News
The June edition of PTJ (Physical Therapy) is something special: an entire issue devoted to the ways pediatric physical therapy and developmental science are informing each other—all to the benefit of children and their families. The issue shouldn't be missed, say Alyssa Fiss, PT, PhD, and Anjana Bhat,
Jun 28, 2018/News
A panel of 4 PTs with firsthand experience in responding to emergencies agree: PTs and PTAs have an important role to play in responding to these situations. The problem, they say, is that not everyone fully understands that role—including many PTs and PTAs.
Nov 10, 2022/Review
Physical and occupational therapy made significant gains in prevalence for both chronic and post-surgery pain treatment.
More needs to be done to care for the physical therapy workforce.
Feb 26, 2017/News
APTA is making it easy for members to let CMS know what they think.
Mar 26, 2018/Perspective
How does the 2017 guideline affect physical therapist practice and the patients we treat?
Jul 1, 2019/Column
A PT honors her son and serves children with special needs.
Aug 4, 2020/Perspective
In an effort to get everyone on the same page, I'm debunking some of the most prevalent Medicare myths I've been seeing lately on social media and in other venues.
Dec 1, 2018/Article
The importance of constant learning and abundant kindness.
May 24, 2020/Article
Step-by-step problem-solving diagrams to guide PTs and PTAs.