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Letting the World Know About PTs and PTAs

May 1, 2023/Feature

APTA has launched programs aimed at successfully recruiting the next generation of physical therapists and physical therapist assistants.

Genetics and Genomics Competency for Physical Therapists

Sep 20, 2019/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Describes the association's position on the concept of genomics competency.

Physical Therapy’s Hidden History: Needle in a Haystack — Author Interview With David A. Nicholls, PT, PhD

Sep 10, 2021/Podcast

See the history of the physical therapy profession in a different light! Editor-in-Chief Alan Jette, PT, PhD, FAPTA, talks with David Nicholls, author of PTJ's latest history essay and of the controversial 2017 book titled "The End of Physiotherapy."

Treating Olympic Athletes: A Golden Opportunity

Aug 1, 2016/Feature

This month, world-class talent is descending on Rio. To ensure that the athletes arrive and compete in peak physical condition, physical therapists must be prepared for anything.

Recruiting Tomorrow's PTs & PTAs

Aug 1, 2019/Feature

Physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, students, and educators work to bring in newcomers.

Term and Title Protection Advocacy

Words matter. The use of "physical therapy," "physiotherapy," and the PT, DPT, and PTA titles should be restricted to qualified professionals.

Digital Health Technology and Physical Therapy

Apr 15, 2022/Statement

APTA maintains that "physical therapy," whether provided in person or virtually, is performed or directed by licensed physical therapists.

Beyond Clinical Practice: The Less-Traveled Path

Aug 1, 2022/Feature

For some physical therapists, the best way to influence clinical practice might be to leave it.

Emergency Care, Learning Center Workshop, COVID-19 — Practice Update

Aug 31, 2021/Podcast

APTA's monthly practice update: in this episode: physical therapists in emergency care, learning center resources, COVID-19, and more.

PTs as Change Agents in Practice Settings

Mar 1, 2021/Feature

Many therapists believe the most important part of their job involves serving as a catalyst for clinical and professional change.