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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Apr 23, 2021/Perspective
It’s easy to let our minds harbor doubt and uncertainty, But we can be stronger than any doubt.
May 3, 2021/Review
Researchers from Brazil focused on leisure-time PA and how hours of sedentary behavior affected the PA-LBP relationship.
Apr 29, 2021/Podcast
Defining Moment: A hospital PT finds meaning in a visit with a patient with COVID-19.
May 11, 2021/Perspective
The use of trauma-informed care has the power to change and uproot PT practice as we know it. And like most deconstructive work in life, my discovery of the need for trauma-informed physical therapy didn't come easy.
May 11, 2021/Roundup
We're seizing opportunities to amplify our public policy messages — here's a sampling of some of the issue letters we've signed on to.
May 17, 2021/Perspective
Former teacher, now PT student on what she hopes to bring to her clinicals.
May 14, 2021/Podcast
Listen to this APTA Regulatory podcast on the TOPS Study, which provides an overview and takeaways from a major analysis of postacute care across settings.
Apr 30, 2021/News
Wait, that didn't come out right: It's our national advocacy dinner on May 4, and you're invited.
Jun 1, 2021/Feature
Part two of APTA Magazine’s special issue on physical therapist education continues the exclusive interview with four academic leaders.
May 19, 2021/Roundup
New APTA COVID-19 report, updated CDC guidance, effects of mild coronavirus infection, and more.