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The Benefits of Sharing Professional Experiences

Mar 1, 2017/Feature

PTs can gain valuable information, fresh insights, and new ideas by becoming involved with other health care professionals.

First Do No Harm?

Dec 1, 2016/Column

A mother's disturbing confession puts a physical therapist on the spot.

When Therapy Packs a Punch

Feb 1, 2017/Column

The benefits of boxing to patients and a practitioner.

Compliance Matters: Supervision Requirements for PTAs and Physical Therapy Students

May 1, 2018/Column

Supervision Requirements for PTAs and Physical Therapy Students


Feb 1, 2018/Magazine

Avoiding Charges of Sexual Misconduct.

Beyond Limitations

Apr 1, 2018/Column

Extending coverage and horizons.


Dec 1, 2017/Magazine

Online Comments. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, September 2017

Tapping the Upper Limits of Our Potential

Feb 1, 2018/Article

The key is to strive for it.

Cookin' Up Something Better

Mar 1, 2018/Article

Identifying the ingredients of success.

A Seasoned Approach

Nov 1, 2017/Column

For wellness, imbalance can be good.