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Emergency Preparedness

The time to prepare for emergencies is long before they happen.

DEI Discussions: Race and Racism

Aug 20, 2020/APTA Live

This first discussion on our DEI series will focus on current demographics and issues around race and racism in physical therapy.

APTA Future of Physical Therapy Summit

Jul 21, 2023/Event

Join the profession's leading visionaries for a one-day summit exploring innovations in physical therapy.

The Rollercoaster That Is Life as a New Grad

Jul 14, 2019/Perspective

I didn't realize is how difficult my early-career transition would be..

5 Ways to Get Ready for Falls Prevention Awareness Day

Sep 17, 2019/News

An estimated 1 in 4 adults 65 and older experiences a fall each year, and according to a recent study, falls-related deaths among adults 75 and older are on the rise, all of which makes falls prevention more relevant than ever. With Falls Prevention Awareness Day coming September 23, now is a great time

House Rules

Dec 1, 2015/Column

Which care setting is best for a rehabbing patient?

Outstanding In Their Field

Jul 1, 2015/Feature

Physical therapists who treat farmers and ranchers offer advice about working with those patients.

APTA's Creative Components

Mar 1, 2015/Feature

APTA's chapters and sections are developing an array of creative, innovative programs for their members. In so doing, they're also helping patients and clients, and advancing the profession.

Advancing Inclusion in the Classroom — and Beyond

Aug 18, 2021/Perspective

Faculty can be more intentional in making small but necessary changes in academic physical therapy to overcome at least some of the bias they possess.

A Lucky Patient Encounter Provides Answers – Defining Moment

Aug 1, 2021/Podcast

It wasn’t until she saw patients with the same rare condition that a PT realized what had been plaguing her own body for years.