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James Armour, Former APTA Treasurer, Dies

Jan 18, 2022/News

In addition to leadership roles in both APTA national and APTA Pennsylvania, Armour was committed to community service.

Private Practice Pioneer James McKillip, PT, FAPTA, Dies at 96

Mar 1, 2023/Article

McKillip helped establish fee schedules in California, was a founder of APTA Private Practice, and served as PTPAC's first president.

Study: Exercise-Based Intervention Could Reduce Disability Rates in Frail Adults

Jun 8, 2022/Review

Is mobility disability an inevitable part of aging for adults with frailty and sarcopenia? Maybe not, researchers say.

Maley Lecturer Calls for More Clinician-Scientists in Physical Therapy

Nov 1, 2023/Feature

Stacey Dusing, PT, PhD, FAPTA, said that more research-trained clinicians will help close the knowledge translation gap.

Physical Therapy Now Included in WHO Pediatric Chronic Pain Guidelines

Feb 9, 2021/News

The revised resource stresses the need for a multidisciplinary biopsychosocial approach — and more research.

Changing the Culture of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Physical Therapy


Words are not enough. Statements opposing racism must be substantiated by actions that drive change throughout physical therapy organizations.


Apr 1, 2017/Magazine

Health Care in Cuba

Ethics in Practice: #Boundaries: When Is the Line Being Crossed?

Aug 1, 2023/Column

With social media, when does a professional relationship get too personal?

Report on Excellence in Physical Therapy Education Soon To Be Released

Nov 23, 2021/News

The Education Leadership Partnership report outlines a vision that prepares PTs and PTAs to meet the needs of individuals and communities.

Admissions Process for Physical Therapist Assistant Education Programs

APTA is developing a centralized application service for PTA programs. In the meantime, applications need to be sent directly to the PTA programs.