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Highlights from NEXT Conference & Exposition 2018

Sep 1, 2018/Feature

From the APTA House of Delegates to the educational sessions, NEXT 2018 in late June was all about establishing the physical therapy profession's place in society as an agent of positive change for individuals and communities. Here are some highlights from the meeting in Orlando, Florida.

Practicing in Multiple States May Get a Lot Easier

Mar 1, 2016/Feature

PTs and PTAs who want to practice in multiple states can face piles of paperwork, long delays, and significant expenses. An interstate licensure compact system soon may offer a solution.

Health Care Technology Today

May 1, 2016/Feature

Could 'Bioresorbable' Sensors Help Individuals Recover From Brain Injury, Surgery?

Coding Reform, to Payment Reform, to Health Care Reform

Apr 1, 2016/Feature

APTA is committed to the triple aim of health care. The association's proposed coding reforms are just one way-but an important one-of achieving it.

The Movement System Brings It All Together

May 1, 2016/Feature

An upcoming summit will explore the implications and goals of recognizing the movement system as the core of physical therapist practice, education, and research. Meanwhile, here's some background to bring you up-to-date.

Virtual Networking Produces Tangible Results

Mar 1, 2016/Feature

When the directors of rehabilitation for 3 large health care systems realized they faced common challenges, they developed a strategy to address them.

The Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model

Mar 1, 2016/Column

A new Medicare payment initiative offers patients and PTs a bundle of opportunities.

Great Expectations

May 1, 2016/Column

Remember, you can’t spell "realistic" without "real."

Who Are Tomorrow's PTs and PTAs?

Jun 1, 2018/Feature

As the patient population becomes more diverse, are physical therapy providers keeping up? Who are today's PTs and PTAs? Who will they be tomorrow?

2017 PT in Motion Annual Index

Dec 1, 2017/Magazine

This annual index provides a list of articles published in PT in Motion in 2017 by author and subject.