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Study: Spinal Manipulation for LBP Optimized Via Multifidus Activating Exercises

Jan 8, 2021/Review

The study examines SMT as part of a multi-component treatment protocol — a better reflection of clinical practice, authors say.

Attend CSM? I Vote Yes!

Mar 2, 2020/Perspective

As a first-year physical therapy student, I didn't know what to think when I first heard about the 2020 Combined Sections Meeting in Denver, Colorado.

New Rules Aim to Ease Patient Access to Their Health Data

Mar 10, 2020/News

Two related rules touch health IT vendors, health care facilities, and providers — and come down hard on "information blocking" that prevents patients from accessing their electronic health records. 

MIPS and APMs: Where We Are Now

Apr 1, 2018/Column

It's time to prepare.

APTA Speaker Request Form

Thank you for contacting APTA's Public Affairs Unit.  In order to better understand and prepare for each presentation/speaking engagement request, we ask that you complete the information below. Requests must be submitted 3 months prior to the presentation. Those requests made well in advance of the

Stroke Impact Scale (SIS)

May 21, 2013/Test & Measure

Stroke Impact Scale (SIS)

Family Violence

Apr 1, 2020/Open Access

PTs and PTAs have an ethical responsibility to act in cases of suspected abuse of a family member, obligations clearly spelled out in the Code of Ethics for the Physical Therapist (4D) and the Standards of Ethical Conduct for the Physical Therapist Assistant (4D). NOTE: If you have an immediate question

Adapted Boxing Provides Innovative Treatment for PD

Aug 17, 2022/Perspective

Boxing's intensity, trunk rotation, footwork, and mobility work together to address the symptoms of Parkinson disease — and then there’s the swagger.

New Possibility for ACL Healing Without Surgery? Too Soon to Say

Jul 11, 2023/Review

A bracing protocol shows promise, researchers say. But definitive conclusions are still out of reach.

Study: Direct Access to Physical Therapy Safe, Effective, and Cheaper Than Referral-Based Care

Nov 9, 2017/Review

Patients via direct access had significantly lower medical costs—an average of $1,543 less per patient.