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Innovation 2.0 Learning Lab to Focus on PTs as Key Players in PCMHs to Address Childhood Obesity

Nov 20, 2017/News

Managing childhood obesity in a patient-centered medical home setting is the fourth and final installment of APTA’s online Learning Labs series based on the Innovation 2.0 initiative.

In Wake of Nassar Conviction, PT Points to Need for Patient Education on Legitimate Pelvic Physical Therapy

Jan 31, 2018/News

In an article written for the HuffPost, APTA member Lora "Lori" Mize and certified clinical specialist in women's health physical therapy, raised concern that the Nassar case also may create a ripple effect that could discourage individuals from seeking legitimate and responsibly delivered pelvic physical

Early Physical Activity After Concussion May Reduce Risk of Persistent Symptoms, Researchers Say

Jan 4, 2017/Review

Early return to physical activity within one week of concussion may actually decrease the likelihood of persistent symptoms in the pediatric population.

The Ethics of Value-Based Payment in Physical Therapy Models

Jul 1, 2020/Feature

Physical therapy experts take a look at some issues that must be considered in the movement to value-based payment models.

International PT Response to COVID-19

Mar 26, 2020/Article

how telehealth has changed or impacted the provision of PT in the countries; global initiatives in the response and recovery phases COVID-19.

In Praise of Low-Tech Tools

Aug 1, 2019/Feature

In an increasingly technological age, mainstay items of physical therapy such as exercise balls, foam rollers, and elastic resistance bands retain their therapeutic value-and will continue to do so, these PTs say.

Five Ways to Raise Awareness During National Physical Therapy Month in October

Sep 4, 2018/Roundup

ere are 5 ways to get involved in National Physical Therapy Month.

Online Comments

Mar 1, 2019/Magazine

View reader online comments from past stories in PT in Motion Magazine.


Apr 1, 2019/Magazine

View reader online comments from past stories in PT in Motion Magazine.


Jun 1, 2019/Magazine

View reader online comments from past stories in PT in Motion Magazine.